How can I schedule a recurring or repeat appointment?
Posted by on 25 June 2011 01:34 PM

When booking an appointment in the Day or Week view, choose the “Repeat Appointment” option in the booking screen. 

A booking can be set to recur daily, weekly or monthly, where weekly bookings can recur every 1-8 weeks, on specific days of the week or weekdays only (Mon-Fri) and monthly bookings can recur on the day of the month or day of the week.

The maximum number of repeat daily bookings is 24 consecutive days, weekly and bi-weekly is 24 weeks, and monthly is 36 months. There is also a space to book up to 10 additional independent “follow up” appointments.

There's a handy Summary in the top right corner.

After saving the repeat options, you can see a brief summary with options to Edit or Delete the repeat series.

Note: Any bookings that conflict with unavailable time or another booking, will not be booked and will display as a warning including a list of the affected bookings. 

repeats, series, followup, follow-up, repeating, recurring