What types of reports am I able to generate?
Posted by on 25 June 2011 01:38 PM

An extensive list of options is available and growing always.  Your suggestions are welcomed.


  • Business Stats - New clients & appointments in date range – Report of clients and bookings.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).

Report displays:

  • Number of clients that are not online users (Guest or Company added clients).
  • Number of clients that are registered online users (Online Clients).
  • Total clients.
  • Number of Company booked appointments.
  • Number of Client (Registered) booked appointments.
  • Number of Guest booked appointments.
  • Number of Associate booked appointments.
  • Total appointments for the period.
  • Calendar Print – Continuous Report – A continuous line view of booked appointments in chronological order.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. Choose All or a specific Service Provider.
    3. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    4. Choose a sort option.
  • Calendar Print – Page / Service Provider - A line view of booked appointments with each Service Provider beginning on a new page.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
  • Client – Appointment Summary – A detailed appointment list exportable for client use, including business address.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd). The default Start Date for all reports is set to 14 days prior to the current date.
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose a specific client or leave blank to select all.
    4. Specify All or a specific Service Provider / Resource.
    5. Choose a Sub-Total option.
    6. Choose a Sort option.
    7. Choose Appt. Status – Regular Appointments or Cancelled Appointments
  • Client Last Visit Report – A list of clients that have not booked in X months.
    1. Set the number of months since last visit.
  • Client Details – A list of clients and their details such as address, birth date, phone numbers, exportable to CSV or Excel.
    1. Choose All, multiple or a single client to export.
    2. Choose Active or Inactive clients.
  • Client Spend– Report of highest spending clients.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose list length
    4. To view the sales detail for the client, click the number at the far right of the report, which will open the Sales Report – All Sales. Here you will click Ok to display the sales details. The client will be selected automatically.
  • How did you Find Us? – A report of how clients found your business.
    1. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    2. Choose a sort option.
  • Referral Report– Report of appointments booked by Associates and commissions payable if applicable.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose a Sub-Total option
    4. Select All or a specific Associate.
  • Referred By – Report of who referred a client.
    1. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    2. Choose a sort option.
  • Revenue Summary Daily – A 1 day revenue summary including Client name, Service and Product amounts, taxes, adjustments, pre-payments, payments and payment type.
    1. Choose a date.
    2. Choose Regular or Cancelled appointments.
  • Sales Report Appointment Summary – Main financial report including date range, sub-total and sort options.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd). The default Start Date for all reports is set to 14 days prior to the current date.
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose a specific client or leave blank to select all.
    4. Specify All or a specific Service Provider / Resource.
    5. Choose a Sub-Total option.
    6. Choose a Sort option.
    7. Choose Appt. Status – Regular Appointments or Cancelled Appointments
  • Sales Report First Time Appointment – Financial report of first time clients to the business or a particular Service Provider / Resource including date range and sort options.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd). The default Start Date for all reports is set to 14 days prior to the current date.
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose a specific Service Provider / Resource or All.
      • Choose New Sales for Vendor or Service Provider / Resource
      • New Sales for Vendor will display a list of clients who have booked with your business for the first time.
      • New Sales for Service Provider / Resource will display a list of clients who have booked with the specific Service Provider or Resource for the first time.
    4. Choose a Sort option.
  • Sales Report Invoice Summary – Detailed financial report including date range, client select and sort options.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd). The default Start Date for all reports is set to 14 days prior to the current date.
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose a specific client or leave blank to select all.
    4. Choose a Sort option.
  • Sales Report Product – Report of product sales.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
    3. Choose a Sort Option.
  • Service Hours by Service – Service hours sub-totaled by service.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
  • Service Hours by Service Provider / Resource - Service hours sub-totaled by Service Provider / Resource.
    1. Set the report Start/End Date by clicking the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
    2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.