How can I print my calendar?
Posted by on 04 July 2012 08:17 AM

In the Day, Week or List view, select the “Print” button in the upper right corner of the calendar, which will open a Print dialog screen.


Alternatively you can go to the Reports Tab to print your calendar.  There are 2 report choices,

  • Calendar Print – Continuous Report – A continuous line view of booked appointments in chronological order.
  1. Set the report Start/End Date by selecting the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
  2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.
  3. Choose All or a specific Service Provider.  
  • Calendar Print – Page / Service Provider - A line view of booked appointments with each Service Provider beginning a new page.
  1. Set the report Start/End Date by selecting the calendar or typing the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
  2. If you operate multiple locations, choose a company.