How can I delete my account?
Posted by Dino Bassanese on 27 December 2022 10:43 AM

I'm a client of a business I have booked appointments with, looking to delete my personal information.

Practitioners offering health and medical services are under legal obligation to retain health or medical information that was collected during the course of treatment. It is the responsibility of the practitioner, in collaboration with the clinic owner, to maintain these records, and in many cases, they are simply not allowed, under law, to delete certain records that they created, and they must retain records for a number of years, sometimes 10 years or more.

If you would like your data modified or removed, we do require that you bring your request to the clinic/business owner who will be able to evaluate their legal obligations to keep that data. Once they have evaluated their obligations, they will provide us with instructions on how to proceed.

Patient Data Control:
Clinic Owners (Click4Time Subscribers) retain sole control over Patient Data and may be referred to as a “health information custodian”, a “covered entity” or a “controller” depending on their location and the privacy laws applicable to them.

Click4Time is a service provider to Subscribers and may be referred to as an “agent”, “business associate” or “processor” of the Subscriber. Click4Time stores Patient Data in its secure data centers and makes it available to Subscribers and their users through our clinic management platform. Click4Time otherwise has no control over Patient Data. Click4Time will only access Patient Data on the instructions of the Subscriber or its practitioners or staff or, in rare cases, where needed in order to prevent or address technical problems or if required by law or court order.

Questions about Patient Data:
If you have any questions about your Patient Data or wish to exercise any or your patient rights, please contact your Subscriber clinic or practitioner. If your Subscriber clinic or practitioner has any questions about the management of Patient Data in the Services, they may contact us and we will support them as needed to respond to your request. Please note that, in order to maintain strict security of your Patient Data, we can only access Patient Data upon instruction from the Subscriber.


I am a client of a business I have booked appointments with who simply no longer requires access to my online account profile.

Click4Time can delete your account profile upon request, which will essentially unlink your online profile from any customer profiles that businesses must keep to satisfy their legal obligations. In the future, if you book with a business that uses Click4Time, you will be required to create a new online account profile and none of your previous bookings with other businesses will be linked to your new account. If you wish to delete your online account profile, send an email to support@click4time.com.


I'm a business owner using Click4Time to manage my client appointments and would like to close my account.

Please email support@click4time.com to request deactivation of your account and to discuss how to export any data required to satisfy any legal obligations.


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