FAQ : Subscriber > Service Provider FAQ
Each Service Provider can choose to receive SMS notifications from their profile in Service Providers from the main menu. NOTE: There must be a Mobile Phone number saved in the Provider's Profile Information section for messages to be sent. NOTE: All ac...
When there are pending bookings, a message "To Be Confirmed" will be displayed in the upper right corner of your admin Calendar. Select the button to view the list and simply choose to Approve or Deny. A Confirmation or Cancellation email will automat...
In order to import a client list into Click4Time, you will need to provide us with an excel spreadsheet with your client details, including columns for all or some of the following details: First Name (Required) Last Name (Required) Email Primary Phone ...
You will be able to: * access your appointment calendar with any Subscriber that has granted you Service Provider Permissions, but not access to the Subscriber's calendar at large * book, approve/deny and cancel your client's appointments * apply disco...
SMS or text message reminders can be turned OFF in the "Service Provider" section of the "Settings" tab.