FAQ : Subscriber > Managing Bookings
There are 2 options available to allow others to be notified about appointment bookings. 1. In the first option, you would simply add a person's name and email to a client's "Additional Notifications" section. By adding a person to the Additional Notifi...
Yes, a mandatory prepayment can be forced on a per client basis by editing the client's Booking Settings in their profile. Set a prepayment percentage to force the client to pay before confirming a booking for any service. When a client books a forced p...
First check your client list to be sure you do not have a duplicate entry for the client with a different email address. Appointments are linked to the client account using the email address. If there is a duplicate entry, merge the records, being sure to...
In the Day, Week or List view, select the "Print" button in the upper right corner of the calendar, which will open a Print dialog screen. Alternatively you can go to the Reports Tab to print your calendar. There are 2 report choices, * CALENDAR PRI...
A Mandatory Prepayment can be forced on a per client basis by editing the client's Booking Settings in their profile. Set a prepayment percentage to force the client to pay before confirming a booking for any service. If you already force a prepayment o...
The Client Confirmation and Reminder emails display a button that directs the client to the My Appointments page where the client can change or cancel their booking. Client must be a registered online user to have access to the My Appointments list. NOT...
When there are pending bookings, a message "To Be Confirmed" will be displayed in the upper right corner of your admin Calendar. Select the button to view the list and simply choose to Approve or Deny. A Confirmation or Cancellation email will automat...
If you prefer that your clients are not forced to choose which service provider (staff) they book with, you can adjust the Service Booking Options so that the appointment is manually assigned by your admins or staff. Each service has 3 Booking Options t...
Go to Referrals / Associate Referral tab and edit an existing Associate or set the "Prepayment Required" slider when adding a new Associate. Set to "Yes" to apply the Forced Prepayment set for each prepaid service under Settings / Services. Set to "No" to...
Yes, go to Settings / Configuration / Advanced / Client Booking Limits to set a value. This setting restricts clients from booking within the set time preceeding the appointment. This restriction is only applied on the client side calendar.
Yes, client replies will be directed to the company email address listed in Settings / Configuration / Basic / Business Information. If you have a specific email address that you want replies to go to, add this address in Settings / Notifications / Client...
No. In your company calendar, you can add a new client when booking their first appointment by selecting the desired time of the appointment and then 'Add a Client'. Alternatively, go to the 'Clients' tab and select 'Add a Client'. If a client wants t...
Go to Settings / Notifications / Additional Email Notifications, choose "Add a Notification" under Additional Emails Notifications. Select Confirmations to receive confirmations of all booked appointments and TBA Appointments to receive TBA confirmations ...
The zoom controls are located on the top right corner of your vendor calendar. * Selecting the plus [+] will zoom in on the calendar, decreasing the booking interval durations. * Selecting the minus [-] will zoom out on the calendar increasing the b...
In Settings / Configuration / Advanced / Client Booking Limits you can set a value in weeks or months. * Weeks means that on any given day, your clients can book 'X' weeks in advance. In other words, every day allows bookings 'X' weeks in advance. *...
There are 2 flags that can be set. * First Appointment Flag - In Settings / Configuration / Advanced / Company Settings, set the "First Appointment Flag" to Yes. The first appointment booked for a new client to the business will display "First Appt" i...
Yes, under Settings / Configuration / Advanced / Client Booking limits, select 'Yes' or 'No' to Allow Clients to Create Appts. This is a global setting. You can disable individual client access by selecting the client's name in the appointment info wind...
Yes, payments can be processed through our partner Stripe. This feature can be activated in Finance / Settings / Payment Processing. NOTE: You will need a Stripe account to process payments. Learn more [https://rebrand.ly/stripesetup] about setting up S...
Yes, go to Settings / Configuration / Advanced / Client Booking Limits to set a value. If a client attempts to cancel within the window, they will see a warning message and a note will be added to the booking's 'Appointment Notes' with the date and time...
Yes, you can access and manage your Booking Calendar just as you would from your computer by navigating to book._Click4Time_.com [https:book.click4time.com] and logging in as usual. Although you can view, book and cancel appointments in the mobile view fr...
Select the appointment in your company calendar and select "Resend Confirmation" at the top of the appointment details screen.
Check to see if you have duplicate records for this client in your Clients page. If there are duplicate client records, only the appointments associated with the Online Client, with a green silhouette, will appear under their My Appointments page. To cons...
Go to Settings / Service Providers / Schedules or Resources / Schedules and modify each schedule as necessary. If there are bookings during that time, you will have the option to "Continue Without Cancelling Appointments" or "Cancel All of the Appointment...
Yes, select the booking in the day or week calendar view and choose the "No Show" slider below the client name. This will flag the client as a no show and the booking will remain in the calendar with a strikethrough as a visual reference and a remark w...
When booking an appointment in the Day or Week view, choose the "Repeat Appointment" option in the booking screen. A booking can be set to recur daily, weekly or monthly, where weekly bookings can recur every 1-8 weeks, on specific days of the week or w...
Up to you! Set a value in days, weeks or months. Go to Settings / Configuration / Advanced / Client Booking Limits
From the Search tab, locate the appointment by searching client name, Service, Service Provider and date range. The "Canceled By" column will display who canceled the appointment. Note, selecting the column headers will sort the information in ascending /...
In the Day or Week view of the company calendar, use your mouse pointer to drag the top or bottom edge of the appointment box to extend or reduce the appointment time. Note, this will not adjust the fee of the service. If a different fee is to be charged,...
If you have set a service to Booking Option 2 or 3, where the client can book without choosing a Service Provider, those appointments will appear in your company calendar as yellow in color and with the notation "TBA". In the Day view, you can drag & drop...
Go to the Search tab, there you will see a column displaying who canceled the appointment. Hovering over the name will display the date and time the cancelation occurred.
From the company calendar, select the booking to open the appointment details and select the red "Cancel Appointment" button. Choose if you want to send or suppress sending the cancelation notification email to your client.
Go to Settings / Service Providers / Schedules or Stand-Alone Resources / Schedules and modify the schedules as necessary. If there are bookings during that time, you will have the option to "Continue Without Canceling Appointments" or "Cancel All of the ...
The wait list feature is a display list only. Clients can add themselves to the wait list through Step 2 of the client booking screen. The Company links are on the top right of the Company calendar screen. * Select the "Add to" link in the upper right c...
If you change your overall hours of operation or a service provider's hours and there are outstanding appointments during the new "unavailable" hours, the Bump feature will give you the option to "Continue Without Canceling Appointments" or "Cancel All of...
From the appointment details screen, move the "Arrived" slider to green. An appointment marked as "Arrived" will display with a black outline. Moving the Arrived slider to grey will remove the outline.